Hidden Gun Safes - Which is Best?

In this video, we compare 3 popular hidden and fast access gun safes

Comparing Hidden Gun Safes

Proper gun storage requires that all firearms be locked in a safe or secured in a cabinet. While this keeps your guns safe, it has the potential to block your access to the firearms in a crisis situation. Here we compare 3 popular products on the market that each tries to address the issue of secure storage vs. fast access: the AMSEC gun safe, BARSKA Biometric gun safe, and the SECUREIT Fast Box Hidden Gun Safe.


BARSKA Summary Rating: Fail

  • Street Price $279.00
  • Fails on stated capacity
  • Will not store any type of modern sporting rifle or shotgun
  • Does not consider rifles with scope
  • Not really a hidden gun safe

BARSKA Quick Access Biometric Rifle Safe: While it is not advertised as a hidden gun safe, it can be placed in a closet. This is a small vertical-only gun safe, available on Amazon for $279.

SMALL SAFE - barska

BARSKA Fails Test – The BARSKA simply fails and what it says it will do. The box depth is less than 6”. This severely limits the type of rifles you can store. The BARSKA will not store an AR15 or any rifle or shotgun with a pistol grip.

Any rifle with a scope will also not fit. Your only option is to carefully place the rifle sideways in the safe and lean it against the back. In this scenario, the scope is hitting the safe’s metal wall and the capacity has been drastically reduced from the stated 4 guns to just 1 gun.

We were very disappointed in the BARSKA. It simply does not do what it claims. BARSKA shows an image on their site of a safe with the door open and an AR 15 inside. This is deceptive and misleading as the door could not be closed and locked.

AMSEC Summary Rating: C

  • Street price: $399.00
  • Solid quality construction: stores 1, possibly 2 rifles under 43”
  • Only one use, designed specifically for under bed/horizontal use
  • Fast access in a crisis situation is not possible
  • Lock and door operation extremely loud which can give away your position

AMSEC Home Defense Vault: This is a horizontal (under a bed) hidden gun safe, available on Amazon for $399.

SMALL SAFE - amsak

The AMSEC is an under bed gun safe with a drawer system. It is a very well-made all-steel welded construction. It is designed specifically to mount underneath a bed. What you notice right away when opening the safe, is that the lock mechanism is loud. The lock beeps and opening the lock bar makes a loud “clank”.

This safe drawer, where the firearm sits, is 43” long. While that will store most tactical shotguns or an AR15, you may struggle to fit more traditional shotguns. Anything over 43” will not fit.

The AMSEC can only be used in a horizontal under the bed configuration. This is a one-dimensional product. The position and type of lock make this impossible to open quickly in an emergency situation. You will have to get out of bed, down on all fours in the dark and try to open the lock. It may be difficult to see and the loud beeping from the lock can give away your position to an intruder, putting your safety at a much greater risk.

SecureIt Fast Box Summary Rating: A

  • Street Price Model 40 $285.00 | Model 47 $295.00
  • All Welded heavy gauge steel construction
  • Fits all firearms with attached optics up to 5” thermal imaging scopes
  • Can be used vertically or horizontally
  • Can be used in mobile vehicle applications
  • Provides fast and quiet access
  • Wide variety of accessories available

SecureIt Fast Box: Fast Access Hidden Gun Safe: Heavy-duty, secure gun safe in two lengths for flexible and fast access to a secure firearm; The Fast Box hidden gun safe is available in two sizes (Model 40: 40” long / Model 47: 47” long) allowing unlimited uses in key location according to your firearm type and storage needs.

FB-40-77-01-Example 0

Both Fast Box models can be used in either a horizontal or vertical orientation. The Model 40 is designed for tactical weapons and small shotguns where space is limited. The Model 47 will hold any rifle or shotgun up to 46 1/2” long. At 13” deep, the Fast Box will hold rifles and shotguns with optics and magazines. Vertically, there is room for 2 rifles, a few handguns, and extra ammunition.

Fast Box Model 47 Hidden Gun Safe

Right away you notice the lock makes virtually no noise and opening the box is fast and quiet. Construction is rock solid, the box was designed to meet DOD AR190-11 and OPNAV 5313-c military security requirements. The basic model (model 47) includes hardware to mount to a steel bed frame (no drilling required). There are mounting holes in the top and bottom to allow bolting to wood frames or to the floor.

Vertical Applications:

Both Fast Boxes can be used vertically (Vertical Kit required) to properly store two long guns with scope attached.

Fast box Fast access gun storage

The vertical kit consists of two cradles and one base unit (stores two firearms).

Fast Boxes are also compatible with most CraddelGrid accessories so you can easily add storage for handguns, ammo or other valuables.

Mobile Applications:

With the purchase of the quick release tie-down strap kit ($9.95), the gun safes can be used in mobile vehicle applications. The Model 40 is primarily used for Law Enforcement mobile applications and includes the quick release tie-down straps.

Locker Applications:

Fast Box Hidden Gun Safes can be bolted together in a locker format if you have multiple firearms you want to be locked and stored together. This application style is popular among SWAT teams and other rapid response security force units.


  • All 3 safes were well made.
  • The BARSKA fails at a very basic level. I do not think it was designed by a gun owner since it will not store what it claims it can store and it would be difficult to hide.
  • The AMSEC is a solid under-the-bed hidden gun safe for long guns under 43”, however, it does not allow for fast access and is too loud when unlocking.
  • The FAST BOX provides secure and hidden storage of the widest variety of firearms and is the only product that offers quiet fast access in a crisis situation. The ability to adapt to vertical or horizontal applications is also unique and makes the SecureIt Fast Box adaptable to almost any situation – vertical, horizontal, and mobile.
  • When you compare the facts it’s easy to see why the SecureIt Fast Box is the market leader in small fast access and hidden gun safes. SecureIt is also the only company that offers a “Buy-It-Back” Guarantee.
  • Firearms should be locked when not in use. All 3 of these products will achieve this at some level but we believe the Fast Box wins in every comparison. Regardless of what gun safe you use, the number one take away here is – All firearms must be locked. Please be responsible.

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