Yes, Using a Toothbrush to Clean a Gun is Ok

you can use a toothbrush to clean a gun

Using an old toothbrush that has no residue on it can be a great way to clean rust or debris off of the ornamental features on the outside of pistols or revolvers, and some of the decorative smaller areas on long guns like rifles and shotguns.  A toothbrush is not large enough to be able to reach each area of the barrel in a long gun which is why a bore brush or nylon cleaning brush is always going to be better than a toothbrush for long guns.

Pro-tip: Do not attach a toothbrush to a stick or piece of metal to clean the barrel of a rifle or shotgun as it could fall off and bristles can come loose and create a hazard in the firearm.

You should not use a toothbrush on any of the areas inside the firearm or that are used for firing the gun.  This includes the inside of the barrel, the chambers, firing mechanisms, and the magazines.  

A toothbrush is not designed for cleaning a gun, it’s for removing plaque and buildup off your teeth.  Depending on what the bristles are made of they could fall into the chamber or barrel, melt against it under heat, or clog the barrel leading to multiple types of issues when using the firearm.  If thread or cloth gets inside, especially in a magazine, it could jam it and create a very dangerous situation.

One other issue you may run into if you use a toothbrush to clean or polish a gun is the bristles are softer and more bendable than a typical nylon brush.  This may increase the amount of time you spend cleaning your firearms.  Some people find the process soothing and as a way to relax, so this could be a great option for them.  But remember, the toothbrush is not designed for cleaning a gun, so you may end up doing damage to it.

Pro-tip: If you do use a toothbrush to clean your gun, gun oils and lubricants tend to be thicker than a WD-40, so opt for a thicker lubricant so the looser bristles of the toothbrush can support it better.

It’s always a good idea to use products designed specifically for cleaning your firearms like a bore brush made from nylon, bronze, brass, or other material designed for removing excess powder and cleaning your guns.  It isn’t a good idea to clean your gun with a toothbrush, but you may be able to polish outside and ornamental features with one.

What a Carbine is, Its Uses, & Storage Needs.

carbine guns

A carbine is a type of rifle with a shorter barrel than a traditional long gun and has multiple uses including sports, hunting, and by militaries for defense. Due to the shorter length of the barrel compared to traditional long guns, carbines are easier to maneuver in tight areas and are easier to carry on your body.  

The shorter length of the barrel also makes them a bit lighter than a standard rifle or shotgun, and easier to handle. This can make carbines better for new shooters, people that are 50 and over, or don’t want to carry a heavier firearm with them, especially if they have to camp or hike through the woods for hunting.  

The shorter barrel and lighter weight could increase recoil (depending if the firearm is gas powered, cartridge power, muzzle break, etc…), so make sure to test and configure the carbine properly if recoil is a concern.  

We recommend the following as a starting point to reduce recoil on a carbine:

  • Cartridge type – The type of cartridge significantly impacts the amount of recoil a firearm experiences, as the bullet’s weight and velocity, determined by the cartridge design, directly influences the force of recoil generated when fired.
  • Gas system – A gas system helps manage the recoil force by redirecting it through the mechanism instead of directly impacting the shooter’s hand.
  • Muzzle brake – A muzzle brake reduces recoil by redirecting the expanding propellant gases exiting the barrel to counteract the recoil force.

There is no shortage of options for a carbine as most of the popular gun manufacturers produce a carbine model.  Some of our favorite carbines include:

  • Sig Sauer MPX K  
  • Kel-Tec SUB-2000 
  • Beretta CX4 Storm 
  • Ruger PC Carbine 
  • Springfield Armory Saint Victor 9mm Carbine 
  • Colt AR9 
  • PSA AKV – Technically classified as a pistol due to barrel length and configuration, but can be considered a carbine.
  • Smith & Wesson M&P FPC – A blowback-operated carbine, but not beholden to the AR-pattern. 

Carbines can be stored in any long gun safe as there will be enough space available length wise compared to handgun safes which are likely not long enough for the barrel.  The biggest difference between the way you store a carbine vs. a standard rifle is the shorter barrel may need a different holder or grip as the mechanism that holds the firearm in place may not be short enough to grip it allowing for it to fall over or shift while in the gun safe

Our Agile™ line of gun safes allow for modular storage and will work perfect for your collection.

You’ve likely also seen carbine rifles and pistol caliber carbines in movies, music videos, video games, and with the military. This is because they’re equally visually striking as they are easy-to-use for sports, hunting, and defense. Now you know what a carbine is, why they are popular types of long guns, and have some options to help make a decision if you’re looking to purchase one.

5 Pro Tips to Firearm Storage in Saltwater Environments

5 Pro Tips to Firearm Storage in Saltwater Environments

In order for your firearms to be able to protect you, or function properly on a hunting trip, you need to protect them.  Humidity can cause corrosion on both a gun safe and a firearm, and when you add salt to the moisture in the air you add to the potential damage.  There are numerous studies like this one that show the salt in the air can increase corrosion on metals like carbon steel, and this one which watched as wind deposited salt across a large stadium and monitored corrosion.

In addition to the normal corrosion from moisture, the air deposits salts which work as an electrolyte and modify the movement of electrons more easily than in non-saltwater droplets.  Corrosion is in part a result of electrons being moved via the electrolyte according to the United States Naval Academy, so the salt air may be acting as an additional conduit.

But that doesn’t mean you cannot take or protect your firearms in a vacation home or while on a trip, you just have to modify how you store them to protect them from the salt air.  Here are five tips you can use whether you own or rent out a vacation home with a gun safe, or you’re about to enjoy a trip with friends or family.

5. Clean and Lubricate Regularly

If the gun is stored off-season while you’re not using the home, or you are saltwater hunting for fowl, make sure to clean and lube your firearm regularly.  It is especially important to do this if you’ll be leaving the firearm after the season ends.  The lubricant acts as a protective barrier which may help with protection while you’re using the firearm, but will definitely help after if you don’t have time to wipe it.

Salt and humidity will corrode faster, so getting it all out and reapplying the lubricant post cleaning is vital before storing the firearm in saltwater air environments.

4. A Case in Your Safe

If the firearm will be stored in a salt air environment for long periods of time like a hunting lodge or vacation rental you visit once or twice a year, or in a gun room for your armory or collection, invest in a good case.  Gun safes have vents to help keep air flowing which reduces corrosion.  This also lets the salt air in.

Whether you have a gun room or a gun safe, find a weather proof and moisture proof case for the firearms you will be leaving stored.  If you clean and lubricate to remove the salt and moisture while adding a protective barrier, and then store in a water and air tight case, there’s less chance of the firearm gaining exposure to the salt air while it is being stored.

3. Invest in an HVAC Dehumidifier for Your Home

There’s a case to be made for using dehumidifiers in your gun safe, but when you live in saltwater air environments they won’t do much good.  The inside of the gun safe may be regulated, but it won’t protect your safe or your home.  If humidity is an issue, investing in a dehumidifier for your HVAC system will help to regulate the air in the home.

This works to reduce the humidity in your home and some systems have filtration that can remove larger particles of salt with the humidity.  None are going to be perfect, but any reduction is a good way to protect your home and your firearms with their storage devices.

2. Air Purifiers

HVAC upgrades are expensive and not always an option.  There is good news if you’re like most of us, some air purifiers are able to reduce and remove some of the salt from the air in your home.  They are much less expensive and can be added to the room your firearms are stored in.  

On top of these you can upgrade your air filters from the current heat pumps and HVAC systems that can handle tiny particles.  Sea salt particles in aerosols can be less than 0.2 μm according to Science Direct, so choose filters that can handle tiny particle filtration. 

1. Change Your Ammunition

We all have our favorite cartridges and ammo, but some can cause more corrosion than others.  It isn’t practical to clean the barrel after every use, and you may be in a rush before putting the firearm away and not have time.  

Check the packaging and manufacturer’s website for primer that does not contain potassium chlorate as this is the main culprit of corrosion.  Any small change you can make when your firearms are going to be in salt air environments helps, and this is one more that is in your control.

You cannot control the salt in the air as it is nature, but you can work to reduce the saltwater air that can get to your firearms and how often you clean and lubricate them to remove salt and add a protective barrier.  With proper precaution and maintenance, you’ll be enjoying your firearms even in salt air environments for years to come.

The History of the Glock 33, Alternatives, & Fun Facts

glock 33

Introduced in 1997 and was referred to as the Gen 2.5 because it brought innovation to the line of Glock 357 caliber handguns, the Glock 33 quickly swept the personal defense market for concealed carry due to its accuracy, size, high muzzle velocity, and ease of control. It gives you the power of a revolver, with the technology of a modern semi-automatic firearm for personal defense.

Unlike the Gen 2 models that did not have finger rails (the grenade grip), which some people liked, the Gen 2.5 features these but lack the accessory rails of the Gen 3.

For Glock enthusiasts that love the feel of the finger rail, it was a game changer as you get the power of the 357 magnum in a sub compact and semi-automatic handgun. Now that it comes in a Gen 4 iteration that is shorter in length and lighter in weight, the Glock 33 is perfect for concealed carry coming in at 6.42 inches and rivals a SIG Sauer p365 for accuracy and feel, although we don’t play favorites.  

Fun fact: The Glock 31, 32, and 33 were all released in February, Glock 34 broke the pattern by coming out in April of 1994.

Ready to learn more about this firearm for self defense and how it bridged the gap between Gen 2.5 and future evolutions?  Keep reading to learn its history, the specs, and some fun facts you can use as ice breakers, for trivia nights, or to stump your friends.

Glock 33 Specs

Glock 33 Subcompact

Gen 2.5 (Original)

Gen 4 (Newest Edition)

Total length



Barrel length









Effective range



Weight (empty)



Trigger pull




9 – 14

9 – 14


Safe Action

Safe Action

How it Compares to Similar Concealed Carry Firearms

People love the Glock 33s power and compare it to the Sig Sauer p365, but unlike the Sig which has an effective range of roughly 13.7m, the Glock 33 maxes out around 50m making it better if the threat is further away. They’re both effective for close range protection and both models have strong recoils, but the Sig’s recoil is lighter making it easier to control and get the next round off for newer shooters.  

If you want the effective range of the Glock 33, you’ll need to train before using it for concealed carry and personal defense. If weight is a concern for you, the Sig may be a better choice as it comes in at 17.8oz vs. the Glock 33 Gen 4 at 19.75oz. If you’re not a fan of the Sig p365, the p239 could be a great alternative.

The Heckler & Koch P2000SK could be another 357 subcompact alternative to the Glock 33, as it comes in at 24oz giving you the extra weight if you like to feel the firearm in your hand and a 6.4 inch length, making it just a bit shorter than the Gen 4. Both can be found around $500, and if you don’t mind used, you can find great deals making them affordable options for concealed carry.  

Although the P2000SK is snappy, the recoil is manageable compared to the Glock 33, so it could be better for people that are newer to personal defense and have not had as much experience at the range.

Pop Culture References and Fun Facts

The 33 never had the same accolades and recognition as the 19, but it did make its way to some TV shows and pop culture references. Two characters in Fabio Montale carry the Glock 33, and the same goes for martial artist Cyril Raffaelli who is seen with one in the movie District B13. Even though it isn’t as famous, it still deserves some recognition.

If you’re looking for a powerful concealed carry that gives a kick and won’t break the bank, the Glock 33 is for you.

The Beretta 1301 – a Tactical and Home Defense Shotgun

beretta 1301 for home defense and tactical uses

The Beretta 1301 is an Italian manufactured gun that was released in 2014 as an upgrade to the Tx4, and at the time their newest gas fueled tactical shotgun for home defense.  Although demand for the Tx4 was and still is strong, the price point drove away potential customers creating a hole in the market for the Beretta company to fill.  

This is how the 1301 model came to pass. It isn’t only the price that makes this long gun appealing.  The Beretta 1301 has features that make it more usable than its predecessors like the Tx4 including the kick-off system which was unnecessarily complicated.  

The 1301 also contains oversized controls and can come with the Pro Lifter system of the A400 making it the best of both worlds if you loved the Tx4 and A400.  For seasonal hunters, the oversized reversible safety button makes it easier to handle in snow and harsh conditions.  So how does it stand up on its own without the whistles and bells?


Beretta 1301

Barrel length



7+1 standard





Effective range

25+/- yards 

Cost used

$1,300+ for the basic model

Cost new

$1,720 for the basic model

Home defense (1 worst – 10 best)


Sports & competition (1 worst – 10 best)


Hunting small game (1 worst – 10 best) 


Hunting large game (1 worst – 10 best)


With its 12 gauge bore diameter, easy-to-control recoil, and ability to fire off 7 rounds with an extended magazine, the Beretta 1301 is one of the best shotguns for home defense.  This is especially true if you’re getting a bit older and your shoulder cannot take the recoil from more intense shotguns.  When seconds matter, getting the next round off could mean life or death, and the quick loading, semi-automatic technology gives you those seconds.  

The higher muzzle velocity is able to project the shot with a flatter trajectory and the force will aid it with a deeper penetration helping you to neutralize the threat more efficiently.  But the Beretta 1301 isn’t only for defending your home in urban, suburban, and rural areas, it can be used for sport shooting and competition.

The enlarged controls help you maneuver and handle the weapon.  If you’re feeling excited as you approach the station and set your hold point, your hands stay in control so you can claim that gold.

Skeets and clays aren’t the only opportunity for this shotgun.  It can cycle shells roughly 36% faster using its BLINK speed technology than comparable semi-automatic shotguns so it is perfect for birds like pheasant and turkey.  By having a light recoil and quick reload, you can get a second shot in or hit more targets before the opportunity passes. 

The serrated design of the bolt release lets you keep your fingers without having to constantly reposition your firing hand making it easier to hunt, including slightly larger game and smaller predators like coyotes.  It can be a great alternative to the A300 which is designed for waterfowl and birds.

Although you can technically use a Beretta 1301 for deer, it may not be the best choice on large game.  It will fire through vegetation like any other shotgun, but this is a home defense and tactical model vs. shotguns designed specifically for deer like the Winchester SX4 Cantilever Buck or the Mossberg 500 Slugster.  You can learn about the Mossberg 500 series here if you’re interested.  

The Beretta 1301 has also made its way into movies, tv, and even video games according to the IMFDB including The Tomorrow War, The Terminal List, and Ready or Not.  

You’ll want to choose a Beretta 1301 for home defense, 3 gun competitions, and every day practice or sporting.  If you need something on a budget, or want to go for large predators and big game, go with an alternate shotgun like the Mossberg Patriot.  Although it is a tactical shotgun, the Beretta 1301 is not being used by the military as rifles are better suited towards their needs with the longer effective range.

Now you know the history of the Beretta 1301, when it makes a good long gun for needs like home defense and competitions, and alternatives for larger game.

The Difference Between Gas & Inertia Powered Long Guns

The Differences Between Gas and Inertia Powered Long Guns

Both gas and inertia powered long guns (shotguns and rifles) work for home defense, hunting, and sports like skeet shooting.  Gas powered long guns provide less recoil and faster loading making them better for self defense when seconds matter, and for older and young shooters because they are easier on your body.  

Don’t count inertia powered firearms out as they’re easier to maintain and are more reliable in harsh environments.  This is especially important if you live in areas with dust, sand, etc…  Because gas loading firearms tend to get blocked by this type of debris more often than inertia powered long guns, inertia is more reliable for protection when hunting large predators and rural home defense.  

At the same time, if you need to get multiple shots off because you’re a new hunter or you can’t handle the recoil as much as you used to, the gas is going to lessen the kick and allow for a faster cartridge replacement giving you an advantage.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed deciding between gas and inertia powered long guns, we’re here to help with this easy guide.  You’ll find a quick comparison table and how to choose between them based on your needs.  Please note the numbers on the table are on a scale of 1 to 10 with being poor and ten being the best.




Ease of maintenance






Home defense 



Predator defense



Predator hunting



Shooters 50+



Shooters under 15



Hunters 15 – 49



Fast game hunting (waterfowl)



Slow game and distance hunting



Skeet shooting



Distance targets




For younger sport shooters and hunters, go with gas powered long guns over inertia because the handler will be able to control the firearm better.  As their skills develop and bodies adjust to the recoil, they can progress to an inertia powered firearm.

For healthy enthusiasts in their late teens, 20s, and up to 40s, inertia is the way to go.  These age groups can handle the kick better and may be more open to hunting in harsh environments as this age range tends to be more adventurous.

Once your 50s kick in, it’s all about pleasure.  The recoil will be felt more making gas powered a more enjoyable experience as you’ll give your shoulder a needed break after decades of shooting.


There are three types of defense to consider when choosing between gas and inertia powered rifles and shotguns.  

  • Home defense
  • Predator non-hunting
  • Predator hunting

For home defense you will want to choose gas powered rifles and shotguns over inertia because the ammunition loads faster and the firearm is easier to control with the lower recoil.  If you’re hunting deer, waterfowl, or other animals and there are predators, both inertia and gas powered can be effective.

Because you’re hunting and know the fauna in the area, you’ll likely already have a firearm you are familiar with for hunting and can control.  So always take what you are best with regardless of inertia or gas powered when predators are around.  When you’re going into areas with large predators and big game, it comes down to the environment you’ll be in.

If the trip is going to be clear skies and clean environments, choose gas powered long guns so you can get more shots off which can matter when predators are ready to attack.  When the weather is mixed or you’re in harsh environments like desert sand, inertia has less chance to clog keeping your firearm working for when you need it.  This applies to safaris and long trips where you may not have cleaning and maintenance on the top of your mind.


There is no difference in accuracy between inertia and gas powered rifles and shotguns, so both work perfect for distance target practice and marksmanship.  When it comes to skeet shooting, gas powered guns have an advantage over inertia firearms because of the lighter recoil and faster loading.

If you plan on entering a sport competitively and always put off cleaning your long gun, inertia will likely be a better choice because these firearms require less maintenance than gas powered even though they load slower and have more kick.

Now that you’re ready to choose between gas and inertia powered long guns, don’t forget to check out our long gun safes for proper storage.

The Glock 43X History, Fun Facts, and More

The Glock 43X History, Fun Facts, and More

Released in July of 2019, the Glock 43X became one of the most sought after 9mm Luger (semi automatic) pistols in the USA for concealed carry due to its compact frame, 10 round capacity compared to the 6 of the Glock 43, and being easier to grip than the 43 due to the longer length of the handle. 

Being part of the Gen 5 series, the Glock 43X has an ambidextrous slide, a flared mag-well for easy reloading, and no finger grooves on the handle.  Not to mention a lighter feeling recoil due to the handle being easier to grip.  This makes it an easier to use and by more people helping it become popular almost overnight.

Glock 43X may be a snub nose with a barrel under 3.5 inches, but it is also highly accurate with an effective range at 25 yards as it has the marksman barrel design.  The shorter length with a slim frame makes it easy to hide in a holster almost anywhere on your body.  

The Glock 43X also rose to fame with the customizations, especially the art decals including 80’s and 90’s retro patterns, a famous jewelry store’s teal and silver coloring, and of course camo and military themes.  Price wise, it is affordable ranging between $400 for refurbished to $600 brand new. 

It may not have the 55’ range of the Glock 19, but who needs that when it is for self defense and when you can rebound more quickly when seconds matter.

Before you buy: The Glock 43X is not legal everywhere, so check with your local government before you buy.  There has been legislation in states like California where it may be currently banned as there is no microstamper on the firing pin to identify the gun owner.  

Now that you know why the Glock 43X became popular immediately after it hit the market, lets jump into the specs, how to determine if it is the right concealed carry firearm for you, and how it compares to similar pistols.

Glock 43X Specifications and Comparisons


Glock 43X

Glock 43

Glock 19

Barrel length











15 – 33

Weight (full magazine)



30.16oz (standard 15 cartridge magazine)





Recoil (1 low 10 high)




Cost new (avg)




Effective range

25 yards

25 yards

50 yards

What the Glock 43X is Good For

The Glock 43X is a perfect handgun for concealed carry and personal defense as it is under 3.5” in length, has a slender frame, and the light recoil that allows you to restabilize if you need to get another shot off.  Unlike the 43 which has a capacity of 6, the Glock 43X has a 10 cartridge magazine giving you more flexibility for a miss in a threat situation. 

The recoil on both the Glock 43 and 43X are similar, but the additional length of the grip makes it more easy to control which is why the Glock 43X feels like the recoil is lighter.  When seconds matter, keeping control of your firearm is vital and so are the extra rounds.  

Another reason we recommend Glock 43X for personal defense is for threat situations where hand-to-hand combat is unavoidable.  The additional length of the grip may give you a stronger hold with more control so you can maintain possession of the firearm and use it to ward off the threat.

These are the reasons why we recommend Glock 43X over the Glock 43 when it comes to concealed carry.  You’ll get plenty of distance as the effective range is 25 yards, and you have more control and more ammunition than other 9mm’s in a threat situation.

It may not be as famous as the Glock 19 which you’ll see in movies, TV, and music videos, but fame doesn’t mean function.  When you or the ones you love are in danger, you’re going to want a firearm that can protect, and the Glock 43X is a great option.

Mossberg 500 – It’s a Series, Not a Make and Model

mossberg 500

When you see an abbreviation or name and a number it normally stands for the maker of the firearm and the model number.  AR-15 is ArmaLite and the 15 model, and Glock 9 which is the ninth edition of the Glock pistol.  

Mossberg’s incredibly popular 500 however is a series and not the 500th version of the design, even though they’ve been designing rifles for over 100 years.  500 would be impressive considering the Mossberg 500 pump-action shotgun series did not come out until August of 1962.

A series of guns is similar to a series of cars in that the base is the same, but each is modified for a specific use or purpose.  You have a standard Ford Mustang, then a Mach 1, the Shelby, a convertible, EcoBoost, etc… Each one has the essence and core of the standard model, but designed with features that cater to a specific need or market audience.

The Mossberg 500 series is the same in that it has the main features, feel, and control of one of the most loved pump-action shotguns, and it is customized into four standard variations including:

  • 500® FLEX
  • 500® FIELD
  • 500® ATI® TACTICAL

Each of these variations serves a different purpose, and knowing these differences will provide you with a better experience as you use it.  And we have a feeling that once you give them a try at a range, you’ll be ready to purchase one for your personal armory.  Not to mention they look incredible on a gun wall which is why they’re featured often in tv and films.  We share some movie and tv appearances below.

Here’s a quick table with the core specs and differences to help you figure out which Mossberg 500 is right for your needs.  Then we share a bit more detail for each variation below.


500® Flex

500® Field

500® ATI® Tactical

500® Field Combos

Barrel length

22” – 28”

20” – 28”


22” – 24”



Light to Medium



Hunting (seasons)

Deer, waterfowl, and all purpose

Turkey and all purpose

Home Defense

Deer, Turkey, Waterfowl

Home defense (1 – 10 scale)






12 and 20

12, 20, and .410


12 and 20

Capacity (standard)





Cost (used to new)

$350 – $700

$400 – $1,000


$600 – $800

500® FLEX

This is the ultimate multi-purpose pump-action shotgun of the series in that it has a light recoil and versatile gauges ranging from 12 – 20 making it fun for practice at a range and for hunting in the field.  It’s the lowest cost out of the series making the 500® Flex an affordable option for new enthusiasts, and allows them to train and learn to shoot like a pro.

It is long so it isn’t as ideal for home defense situations as you’ll want stealth and the ability to angle and aim while turning corners, so go with the ATI® TACTICAL option if that is one of the uses you’d like this firearm for.

500® FIELD

With a versatile barrel length ranging between 20″ and 28”, an easy to handle recoil, and reasonable price point for a used or basic model, you’re going to love hunting with the 500® FIELD from Mossberg.  It’s an all purpose pump-action shotgun that works for most game as it can handle 12, 20, and .410 gauges and works for everything from turkey to deer.

It is on the pricier side if you want all the whistles and bells, and just like the FLEX, it is not ideal for home defense situations.  However if you’re in a rural area and the threat is far enough away, this could do the job, but is nowhere near as good as other shotguns for home defense purposes.


Having a barrel length at 18.5”, a 12 gauge capacity, medium recoil, and a reasonable price at roughly $750, the 500® ATI® TACTICAL is your home defense and personal defense pump-action shotgun from the Mossberg 500 series.  It is lightweight, accurate, and as the name states, made for tactical use.

We do not recommend it for hunting compared to the FIELD or COMBOS variation, but you could do well at a range shooting for sport.  It is a tactical weapon so use it for defense and sport shooting.


When you can’t decide which option from the Mossberg 500 pump-action series to choose from, get the combo.  It isn’t ideal for home defense, but as the name implies it is a combination of the best features from each of the models. 

You can use it for hunting deer and turkey, practice at a range, and has the flexibility of both 12 and 20 gauges.  The price point is in the middle of the other three lines ranging from $600 to $800 on average making it an affordable firearm.

If you need it for home defense, this is not as ideal as the TACTICAL option even though they have a similar recoil because the barrel length is longer.  And it won’t have as much velocity as some of the Field variations which can have an extra 4” of barrel length if that is important to you.

Now that you know how to shop for the right Mossberg 500 pump-action shotgun, here’s some movies, tv shows, and fun facts to get you excited for its arrival.

The Crow (1994 version) has a Mossberg 500 in the pawn shop with a Mariner finish, and you can see two of them in Point Break three years before as two of the members in Bodhi’s gang carry them.  Predator, one of the ultimate classic films, features a Mossberg 500 with Billy carrying it along with an M16.  

Ready for the holidays, the Mossberg 500 shotguns are featured in Halloween (2018) and Harry and Kumar 3D holiday special.  And speaking of specials, remember the classic 1987 movie Harry and the Hendersons featuring a big foot?  Now’s the time to rewatch as Jacque Laleur has a Mossberg 500AT.

There’s a reason you’ll see Mossberg 500 pump-action shotguns in movies and hunting films, it’s because it is a trustworthy and reliable option, and looks great.  It’s reliability is one of the reasons it is used by militaries including the US Marines, Army, and Navy, and international defensive forces like Guardia Civil in Spain.

If you found this guide to the Mossberg 500 pump-action shot gun series helpful, join our newsletter list for more content just like it below.

The Snub Nose .38, Is it Good for Concealed Carry?

the snub nose 38 and concealed carry for self defense

A snub nose revolver, also known as the .38 special, saturday night special, snubbie, and bulldog revolver, is any revolver that is less than 3 inches in length making it easy to store on your body undetected.  The compact size of this revolver combined with variations that have an internal hammer are why people choose a snub nose .38 as their concealed carry weapon of choice for personal defense.  

Its size makes it easy to carry concealed, and the lack of an external hammer reduces the chance of it getting snagged on your clothes when you need fast access in a threat situation.

Although the barrel is short, the frame can range from small to large and you can find snub nose 38’s from most major manufacturers including:

  • Ruger
  • Smith & Wesson
  • Colt
  • Charter Arms
  • Kimber
  • Taurus

Fun fact: The .38 special was designed in 1898 and the 45 acp in 1904 making them similar in age and both created for military use and later on personal defense.  And both are considered great choices for concealed carry firearms.

With all these manufacturers and pop culture with features in Bugsy, Drugstore Cowboy, and the Original Charlie’s Angels driving demand, you’d think the snubbie is a perfect choice for self defense, but it may not be.  


The 38 special is normally compared to the 45 acp which is why we mentioned the fun fact above, but they are not the same.  This is why it is important to test both before deciding which to choose for concealed carry, because in a threat situation you want accuracy and speed.  

A revolver like the 38 special is easier to hide than a 45 acp, but will have limited rounds compared to the semi-automatic pistol.  So if your accuracy is not as good in a threat situation, the additional cartridges will be handy.  A 45 acp is going to pack more of a punch on the threat and will likely have less recoil than a snubbie.  

The 45 is slightly harder to conceal if you’re petite.  The most important thing is to practice and be prepared so if the unfortunate situation where you need a defensive firearm happens, you’ll be ready.  But don’t let these couple of paragraphs stop you from choosing a snub nose .38 for self defense, the snubbie has a long history of protective uses with law enforcement which is why some call it “the detectives gun”, and not just because the manufacturer’s like Colt have a model nicknamed “Detective Special”.

As you learned above, the snub nose .38 was original for the military, and the Smith & Wesson “Military and Police” model became a standard issue after world war 1 when it proved to be highly efficient, and remained standard issue for close to 70 years after.  Tons of firearm innovation and technology occurred during these decades, so if the snubbie was not good for self defense, it had lots of opportunities to be replaced.  And if it had been, we wouldn’t have had quotes about the “saturday night special” specific to firearms in action and suspense tv and movie scenes.

The snub nose .38 is a good choice for self defense when it comes to concealed carry.  The most important thing is you train and practice in case a threat situation occurs.  It may turn out that the snubbie is the best option for you.

The Differences With Automatic & Semi-automatic Rifles

The Differences With Automatic & Semi-automatic Rifles

Both automatic and semi-automatic rifles hold multiple rounds of cartridges and fire quickly since they both reload automatically after they fire, but they are not the same as semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15 or Ruger 10/22 only fire a single cartridge when the trigger is pulled, and automatic rifles like the AK-47 and M16 fire continuously in one pull.  The automatic firing of bullets until the trigger is released is the main difference between automatic and semi-automatic firearms. 

The two types of rifles have similarities as well, and this is why some people confuse them.  Both can hold multiple cartridges with semi-automatic rifles normally maxing out at 10, and automatic rifles like the Colt AR-15 having 30 rounds and the Lewis gun coming in at 97 rounds.  The naming can also be confusing where some people assume the AR in AR-15 means “automatic rifle” but it actually stands for the manufacturer, ArmaLite and Rifle.

Automatic and semi-automatic rifles can be stored in the same type of long gun safes, and both can benefit from modular gun safes like our Agile™ line with configurations that allow you to protect accessories like scopes.  And both are not classified by size as some automatic rifles like the M4 are carbine models meaning they’re a bit shorter than a typical long gun.

Outside of mechanics, there is another similarity in semi automatic and automatic rifles in that both can be considered “assault” weapons.  Both are outlawed in certain states, and other states allow them or specific models as each state can assign their own definitions and choose which firearms are permitted.  And this applies to bump stocks which can be used to make a semi automatic rifle mimic the capabilities of an automatic rifle.

As a responsible gun owner, it’s important to know the differences and each state law as you don’t want to wind up in trouble for having a banned weapon.  We hope you found this guide to the differences between automatic and semi automatic rifles helpful, and if you did, enter your email below for more guides like it.

Some Revolvers are Pistols, But Not all Pistols Revolve

the difference between pistols and revolvers

Outside of the revolving chamber that gives revolvers their name, there are a few main differences between revolvers and pistols like the amount of recoil you’ll feel, and the chamber capacity which is beneficial for self defense that make them different.  These differences will help you determine which type of handgun is the right one for your needs.  

Fun fact: The first version of a revolver was created in the 15th century and was known as a hand canon.

If you’re using the ATF’s definition, pistols are any form of handgun where the cartridges are not contained in a revolving chamber.  An industry standard definition for revolvers would be the opposite of a pistol where the cartridges are held and loaded from a rotating chamber. 

Outside of the definitions, here’s some more similarities and differences between them.

Both pistols and revolvers are good for self defense, but in different situations.  If you’re an outdoors enthusiast, a revolver won’t give you enough rounds to stop or deter a bear or a wild boar as larger prey will likely need a rifle.  But to be fair, no handgun is going to fully neutralize a bear.  There are handguns that are better for defense against bears though.

Revolvers have six cartridges giving them the name six shooter, where a Glock could have 17 or more bullets giving you additional resources to slow down or deter the threat.

You could make the argument that a revolver can handle a larger caliber bullet, but that comes with extra recoil and bears can charge at speeds over 20mph.  This includes the Grizzly bear which has the ability to charge at 35 mph and maintain speeds up to 28 miles per hour over a 2 mile stretch.  That is faster than the average domestic horse!

If you live in an urban or suburban area and your hands are smaller, it may be harder to charge the slide on a standard pistol.  The difficulty in charging the slide may prevent you from getting rounds off in time where it may be easier to fire the second shot from the revolver, but this depends on the specific firearm you carry and your experience with it.  

If you run out of ammo, it’s going to be faster and easier to reload a magazine than popping the bullets out of a revolver.  When seconds and rounds matter, the pistol wins over the revolver.

Revolvers are heavier and have more recoil than pistols, and this makes them less appealing than a pistol for self defense.  But when it comes to larger and heavier ammo, the revolver is going to pack a punch as they are designed to handle this.  

The two are fairly similar in accuracy as accuracy is more dependent on the barrel length.  But recoil also impacts accuracy for the second shot, so the pistol will beat the revolver in self defense situations where your hands may be more shaky and you’re feeling nervous.  The need to recover from a recoil could cost you precious seconds.

If the firearm is for show or fun, like shooting targets on a ranch or for general concealed carry, revolvers are great.  They’re iconic pieces of firearm history and pop culture.  And revolvers tend to be less expensive than pistols, so you could save some money if that is a deciding factor for you. 

Both pistols and revolvers are storable in a standard handgun safe, so there is no difference with regards to storage, but there is with maintenance.

Revolvers have a simpler design and that makes them easier to clean than a pistol.  You still have to strip both firearms down, but you’ll save a bit of time with your revolver, not much, but a bit.

Here’s how we recommend choosing between the two if you’re shopping.  Both can work for multiple purposes, but as you’ve learned above, they have slight advantages in certain situations.




Defense in the wilderness



Defense in urban settings



Self Defense in general



Has less recoil



Fun and sport






Either way you go, both pistols and revolvers can work for self defense and target practice.  Pistols tend to have the upper hand when it comes to defense when compared to revolvers, which is why pistols are the preferred firearm for law enforcement. If you found this guide helpful, join our newsletter by entering your email below for more content like it.

The Ruger 10/22 Rifle – A Worthy Investment for Sports

The Ruger 10/22 Rifle

If you like rimfire rifles that are built to last, and are semi automatic, the Ruger 10/22 is your new go-to!  Since hitting the market in 1964, this American made firearm from the Sturm, Ruger & Co. has been in continuous production as a low cost carbine rifle for sports shooting and self defense.  

Although some may use it to hunt, rimfire cartridges do not carry as much power as centerfire.  This is why rimfire rifles may be banned in certain areas for hunting, especially medium to large game.  They are not as effective at neutralizing the target quickly making them unethical for use when hunting.

Why the Ruger 10/22 is So Popular

The standard carbine model can normally be found online for under $300 for the base model, and there are numerous third parties that produce customizations, upgrades, and enhancements like barrels, magazines, and the machined receiver for more accuracy which is vital when using the 10/22 for sports.  Because the 10/22 is a semi automatic carbine, it is easier to carry and maneuver than a standard semi automatic rifle or musket making it more ideal for the military.

Ruger 10/22 Specs


.22 long rifle


10 on the base rotary magazine model and 25 on a high capacity magazine

Effective Range

25 – 300 yards

Barrel Length


Total Length









Considered simple since the takedown model was introduced in 2012

With its low recoil, readily available upgrades, steady weight, and price point, it’s no wonder sports enthusiasts love this firearm.  But they’re not the only ones. 

The Ruger 10/22 has been featured in pop culture across tv, music, and movies, and is standard issue by some of the world’s most elite military and law enforcement agencies.

Pop Culture and Military Uses of The Ruger 10/22

To name a few, here’s some of the militaries that use or have used the Ruger 10/22:

  • Israeli Defense Forces (IDF)
  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) 
  • Brazilian Military Police
  • Peruvian National Police 
  • Guatemalan Military

And you’ll find the Ruger 10/22 rifle in the following movies and TV shows according to IMFDB:

  • Picasso Trigger (1988) – Taryn is seen with a customized model.
  • Halloween (2007) – On the gun racks in the store.
  • The Walking Dead (2010) – There is a Ruger 10/22 in the armory.
  • Top Shot (2011) – In season 3 episode 7 you’ll find a tricked out 10/22.

The Ruger 10/22 is not going anywhere as it has become a standard for sports shooters and military combat due to its low cost to purchase, accuracy and size, as well as ability to be customized.  If you found this guide interesting join our newsletter below for more like it.

The Sig Sauer p320 – Its History and Being Discontinued

The Sig Sauer p320 History and Being Discontinued

According to search engine traffic monitoring tools, roughly 40,500 people are searching for the Sig Sauer p320 every month making it one of the most sought after handguns next to the Glock 22 which has the same consumer demand.  The Glock 19 still dominates with more than 200,000 searches a month, even more so than the AR-15 at just over 100,000.  This is likely due to the Glock 19’s popularity in pop culture.  So with all this popularity, why would the original version of the p320 firearm get discontinued? 

First let’s jump into the reasons why the Sig Sauer p320 was created and became a beloved handgun, then go into the reasons why the Sig Sauer company would discontinue it.   If you’re in the market to purchase one, but it doesn’t feel just right, we share a few alternatives to the p320 for personal defense.

Nicknamed the M17 (full size) and M18 (compact) for modified versions, the Sig Sauer p320 was introduced in the USA in 2014 by the Sig Sauer company as a semi automatic handgun for the military.  Its popularity soared quickly due to the firearm being able to handle multiple calibers including 9×19mm Parabellum.357 SIG.40 S&W; 10 mm Auto.45 ACP, and having an effective range of 75 feet making it perfect for defense against direct threats in close quarters and near distances.

In addition to accuracy and being easy to handle, the 3-point take down system makes disassembling the Sig Sauer p320 easy as you don’t have to pull the trigger when it’s time to clean and lubricate it.  You can also purchase an extended magazine for this model that contains 30 rounds making it effective for military and law enforcement use in combat situations. 

Compared to the Glock 19 with a magazine weighing 29.6oz, the Sig Sauer p320 comes in at 28.3oz giving people that same hand feel weight wise for many.  

Although the p320 is a little bit larger than the Glock 19 at .81 inches in length, .15 inches in width on the grip, it still stores easily in most handgun safes.

Because this handgun sounds like a dream for the military, law enforcement, and personal self-defense, you’re likely wondering why they took it off market for a while.

The Sig Sauer p320 was discontinued temporarily because when it was dropped at certain angles there was a likely chance it would discharge creating a hazard that can harm innocent bystanders.  This is also known as a “drop safety” issue. 

Think about law enforcement and tactical situations with direct threats and your fellow officers getting hit.  There may be a situation where the handler needs to quickly release a firearm if someone is struck or someone needs help, and in this situation there is no time for an accidental discharge making it a potentially fatal flaw.  That’s why Sig Sauer temporarily took it out of circulation.

Knowing the firearm on its own had potential, Sig Sauer offered customers a program to get an updated model that is retrofitted with technology to make it drop safe.  So in reality, the Sig Sauer p320 is not discontinued, it just got an upgrade to help keep it being a defensive handgun.  You can learn more about the upgrade program here.

And the Sig Sauer isn’t going anywhere soon thanks to its popularity in TV and the Movies.  Here’s a few examples of where you’ve likely seen it.

  • John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017) – John Wick (Keanu Reeves) uses a Sig Sauer P320 during various shootouts in the film.
  • Gunpowder Milkshake (2021) – The character Shocker (David Burnell IV) uses the P320 in a climactic gunfight.
  • Interceptor (2022) – J.J (Elsa Pataky) uses a P320-M17 in her role as a military officer.
  • Blindspot (2015-2020) – Special Agent Kurt Weller (Sullivan Stapleton) carries and uses a Sig Sauer P320 throughout the run of the show.
  • SEAL Team (2021-2022) – Brock Reynolds (Justin Melnick) carries a P320-M18 during his missions.
  • Hawaii Five-0 (2018) – Neil Voss (Phillip Phillips) and Adam Noshimuri (Ian Anthony Dale) are seen using the P320 in multiple episodes during this season.

Maybe you love this firearm, but the hand feel or grip just isn’t right.  No problem, firearms for self defense need to be able to stop a threat, and that means you need to feel confident and in control when handling it.  

Two alternatives to the Sig Sauer p320 are the Glock 19 we mentioned above as it is reliable, can hold fifteen rounds, and has roughly the same weight, and the Smith & Wesson M&P9 M2.0 not only for its visual appeal, but it’s M2.0 has an advanced trigger system and low bore axis to help with its accuracy.  

The Sig Sauer p320 has made its mark as a protective firearm for the military and law enforcement, and is a staple in many personal armories.  If you enjoyed learning about this firearm and want more content like this guide, subscribe below.

The Glock 26, Everything You Want to Know and More

the glock 26

The Glock 26 (baby glock) was first introduced in 1994 as an easy-to-conceal self defense firearm as it is similar in both size and weight to snub nose revolvers, fires a 9mm cartridge, and has a polymer frame with Gen 5 features.  The Gen 5 features include the triggering mechanism and slide stop levers that are ambidextrous.  

Although the Glock 26 doesn’t have the same power as the popular 17 and 19 models that are more common for self-defense, it does make a perfect backup if you are often in situations where these two models are needed.  And that includes law enforcement and security professionals.

The standard capacity of the magazine is 10 cartridges, but you can hold more rounds by changing it out.  Remember, it is for personal defense and in close quarters, so it is likely not going to be good for hiking or outdoors, and certainly not a proper handgun if you come across a bear in the wild.  It could however be good for self defense if you’re camping and a human intruder decides to create a situation where self defense is necessary because of its accuracy and ability to be concealed.

The effective range of the Glock 26 is only 20 to 150 feet depending on who you ask compared to the 1911 which is more commonly considered to be effective up to 150.  That’s also why the Glock 26 is recommended for self defense in close encounters situations.

An alternate handgun to the Glock 26 is the Glock 27 known as the “pocket rocket”.  They are interchangeable, so if you have to choose between them, find a firing range that lets you try both and see which feels better for you.  Both are for self defense, and in threat situations you’ll want the handgun that “shoots better” for your ability.  The 27 is a bit more powerful so there will be more recoil than a Glock 26, and that can make a difference when seconds count.

Fun Facts About the Glock 26

If you find yourself in a game of trivia, here’s some Glock 26 fun facts to stump your friends and win.  

Hugh Jackman carried one in the movie Prisoners in 2013, and so did Gerard Butler in the same year with his role in Olympus Has Fallen.  Emily Blunt had a Glock 26 for her sidearm in the 2015 film Sicario, and Keanu Reeve’s sports one as one of his go-to guns in John Wick Chapter 2.

Glock 26s have been seen on TV including shows like Breaking Bad, Dexter, and The Walking Dead.  It’s also in music videos like Nicki Minaj, Drake and Lil Wayne’s “No Frauds” and “Rockstar” by Post Malone.

Coming in under $600 on average, it’s an affordable pistol for self defense, and it is fairly easy to clean and lubricate.  Always check the owner’s manual, but here are some basic steps.

How to Clean a Glock 26

  1. Start by removing the slide pulling it slightly back and then pull down on the slide lock lever on both sides of the frame, and move the slide forward off the frame.
  2. Remove the recoil spring assembly and barrel from the slide.
  3. Clean the barrel by applying a small amount of solvent to a cleaning patch.  This is done by attaching the patch to a cleaning rod and running it through the barrel from the chamber end to the muzzle end. 
  4. Then let the solvent sit for a bit to break down residue.
  5. Now use a bore brush to scrub the inside of the barrel running clean patches through the barrel until they come out clean.
  6. Next clean the slide with a nylon brush and solvent to clean the inside focusing on the rails and breech face.  
  7. Wipe down with a clean cloth to remove residue and solvent.
  8. Now clean the frame with a nylon brush, especially around the trigger mechanism and rails.
  9. Last is to wipe down any remaining parts with residue on them, making sure to check the recoil spring. 
  10. Lubricate and reassemble.


Remember to always make sure the firearm is unloaded and no ammunition is nearby when you’re cleaning it.

And now you know everything about the Glock 26 whether you’re looking for a new pistol for self defense, or were just curious about this make and model. 

The Best Ammo Cartridge & Handgun Combo for Bears

The Best Ammo Cartridge and Handgun Combo for Bears

From Pennsylvania to California, when you go hiking, camping, or plan a trip to explore with your loved ones, you’re going to come across a bear. The most important thing to remember is not to panic or run, bear attacks are rare according to NPS, so keep your cool.  And that has double meaning if you’re in Alaska or just north of Duluth and find a Polar Bear!

If you find yourself in the one-off occasion where self-defense is needed, here are the recommendations for an ammo cartridge and hand gun combination that in our opinion work best on most bears.  But please note that no handgun is a match on its own.  The goal is to neutralize and stop the threat.

To make our recommendation we considered:

  • Average size of continental north American bears including black and grizzly which both inhabit all 48 states, although the populations have been decimated in some.
  • Lethal range
  • Accuracy at 100 yards
  • Ease of access for active lifestyles (fits in a chest holster)
  • Animal weight and size
  • Recoil
  • Ease of loading
  • Capacity

Fun fact: Did you know that the popular Kenai chest holster was designed specifically because of a run in with a black bear while the founder was mountain biking?

Remember, you’re on a trail or a hike, you won’t have your hunting rifles, a hand gun is your option.  So here’s our top choices with the reasons why.  

Top Choice for Continental North American Bears

  • Handgun: Glock 20 for pros and 40 for people with less experience
  • Ammo: Buffalo Bore Heavy 10mm Outdoors
  • Holster: Kenai chest

This combination should be universally effective with a bit of training.  The Glock 40 has less recoil than the 20 due to the 20’s shorter nose, making the 40 the best for people that have less experience in intense situations so they can re-aim more easily.  And adversely the Glock 20 is best for people that remain calm and can handle large recoil.  

The 10mm cartridge has an effective range of roughly 100 yards allowing you to protect yourself from a bear if it comes within a football field length.  The outdoorsman line has a flat nose allowing it to penetrate deeper through tissue and bone up to 3ft helping to neutralize the bear in an effective and more humane way.

Best for Black Bears

  • Handgun: XD-M® ELITE 4.5″ OSP™
  • Ammo: Underwood 10MM auto 200 grain flat nose, cherry coated, hard cast ammo
  • Holster: Crossbreed Chest Rig Holster – XD-M / XD-M Elite 4.5″

With charging speeds of 25 – 30 mph, and weighing up to 400lbs at 5 – 7 feet tall, you’re going to need speed, control, and accuracy.  That’s why we choose the Springfield Armory Elite 3.8 Compact OSP™ for the handgun combined with Underwood 10mm auto at 200 grain.  

Bears are big and a single bullet won’t stop them, especially if you’re caught off guard.  With a capacity of 16 and ammo designed specifically for wild boar and for black bear defense, you’re going to have enough firepower to neutralize the threat.  And both come at a reasonable price.  And who better to make the perfect chest harness for the firearm than the manufacturer.

Designed specifically for being on the trails, out hunting, or enjoying the wilds for hiking and photography, you’ll hardly notice it’s there.   

Best for Grizzly Bears

  • Handgun: Springfield XD-M Elite 3.8-inch Compact OSP
  • Ammo: Solid Core 10mm Auto 200 Grain
  • Holster: The chest rig by crossbreed holsters

Coming in at 400 – 800 lbs depending on male or female, and 7 feet tall when standing according to the Idaho state department, and up to 10 feet according to the Detroit Zoo, you’re going to need accuracy and a second shot faster as a single bullet likely will not neutralize the target. 

Speed is key as these animals can run up to 35 miles per hour.  That’s why our pick is the Springfield XD-M Elite 3.8-inch Compact OSP with a 10mm.

With the manageable recoil, your ability to re-aim and fire your second round becomes easier.  The compact design won’t get in the way as it’s holstered letting you enjoy your time in the wilds.  If a grizzly is charging and you need to take multiple shots, your wrist and life will thank you for the extra seconds.  

It has an 11+1 capacity for ammo with a six inch barrel giving you plenty of accuracy and flexibility to render your target with a 10mm auto cartridge.  The reason for solid core with this firearm is because the 10mm auto with 200 grain is designed to penetrate and break through bone.  It is designed specifically for bears, and grizzlies are some of the biggest in North America.  

Did you find this guide to the best handguns and ammo for defense against bears helpful?  Great because we enjoyed writing it. 

If you want more content like this one, or have a topic you’d like us to cover, join our newsletter by subscribing below and let us know.

The History of the Revolver, Fun Facts & More!

history of the revolver

From the iconic spinning chamber spun by cowboys in wild west films, to the sleek chambers of modern firearms, the revolver is likely the most iconic of all guns.  Original ideations date back to the 1400’s, and they continue to evolve to this day.

Revolvers (also known as six shooters) get their name from the rotating barrel that contains the bullets.  As you pull the trigger and the hammer strikes the chamber and the bullet is ejected.  From there the chamber rotates the new bullet into place.  Because the chamber “revolves”, it gave way to the name revolver.

You can identify a revolver through its signature features including a:

  • Rotating cylinder
  • Hammer
  • Sight (normally found on the nose and hammer)
  • Ejector rods
  • Trigger
  • Frame

Although many believe the first revolver was created and patented in 1835 and 1836 by Samuel Colt, Samuel made a discovery that inspired his invention at the Tower of London.  It turns out the revolver was actually created hundreds of years prior, and the model he found is still on display.  

Unlike the six shooter, this original model had a revolving chamber that could hold four bullets. Although six shooters are the norm, there’s a lot to be said about the stealth Smith and Wesson 638 whose magazine holds 5 bullets.  

From major motion pictures to being a backup firearm for law enforcement, get ready to learn fun facts and the history that lead to the revolver taking its place in the history books.

Definition of a Revolver

A revolver is a type of handgun characterized by a rotating cylinder that contains multiple chambers, each holding a single cartridge.

The cylinder rotates to align each chamber with the barrel, allowing for sequential firing of rounds. This distinctive design distinguishes revolvers from other firearms, such as semi-automatic pistols, which utilize a different feeding and firing mechanism.

The History of the Revolver

From its beginnings as the “hand cannon” in the 1400’s, to modern day protective weaponry, here’s how this iconic firearm has evolved.

15th Century

  • The earliest known revolving firearm, the “hand cannon,” emerges in Europe. These primitive weapons featured manually rotated chambers.

16th Century

  • 1548 a three chambered matchlock pistol is created and can still be found in Venice Italy 
  • Shortly after in the late 1500’s the Xun Lei Chong is created, and properly named “thundering fast arm”.  It held five cartridges and rotated to make firing from each of the five barrels fast and easy.

17th Century

  • 1630 is about the year Marin le Bourgeoys invented the flintlock for King Louis XII.  The flintlock was a game changer as it led to pistols, revolvers, and other models of handheld firearms for ship-to-ship and close quarters combat and protection. 

18th Century

  • 1718 James Puckle patents the “defence gun” which had a revolving cynlinder and gave way to the idea of a machine gun.  Although not a revolver as we know them being a handgun, you can see where the ideas have some cross over.

19th Century

The concept of a self-contained cartridge with a percussion cap gains popularity. Innovators like Samuel Colt and Elisha Collier develop early versions of the revolver, revolutionizing firearms technology.

  • 1814 – Elisha Haydon Collier invented the first flintlock revolver.
  • 1831 – Samuel Colt invents the modern day revolver.
  • 1836 – Samuel Colt patents the first commercially successful revolver, the Colt Paterson.
  • 1847 – Colt’s Walker revolver becomes the first mass-produced revolver for military use, known for its power and reliability.
  • 1857 – The Colt Model 1851 Navy revolver gains widespread popularity, becoming a symbol of the American frontier.
  • 1873 – The Colt Single Action Army, also known as the “Peacemaker,” becomes one of the most iconic revolvers in history, used extensively in the Wild West. 
  • 1899 – Smith & Wesson introduces the .38 Hand Ejector, later known as the Model 10, marking the company’s entry into the revolver market.

20th Century to Modern Times

  • 1955 – Ruger Firearms is founded by Bill Ruger, introducing innovative revolver designs such as the Ruger Blackhawk and Security Six.
  • 1971 – The introduction of the Smith & Wesson Model 686, a stainless steel revolver, revolutionizes the industry with its durability and performance.

With over 600 years of evolution, there’s also numerous types of revolvers.

The Types of Revolving Firearms

Each type of revolver serves a different purpose.  Some could be easier loading, and others could be for safety reasons.  There are five main evolutions that changed the way this firearm is manufactured, and that you will still find today.

  • Single Action Revolvers – These revolvers require the hammer to be manually cocked before each shot, with the trigger performing a single action—releasing the hammer.
  • Double Action Revolvers – Double action revolvers allow for both cocking the hammer and firing a round with a single pull of the trigger, providing faster follow-up shots.
  • Break-Action Revolvers – Also known as “top-break” or “hinge-action” revolvers, these firearms feature a hinged frame that allows the barrel and cylinder to pivot downward for loading and unloading.
  • Swing-Out Cylinder Revolvers – This design, commonly found in modern revolvers, features a cylinder that swings out to the side for easy reloading.
  • Pocket Revolvers – Compact and concealable, pocket revolvers are designed for discreet carry and personal protection, often chambered in smaller calibers.

What Made the Revolver Famous

The advancements in close quarters combat and being a perfect backup firearm aren’t the only reasons the revolver is a popular handgun.  It has to do with the “cool” factor it receives from popular culture.

It’s hard to picture the Wild West in a movie without a gun slinger spinning a cylinder, or a deadly game of Russian roulette in a thriller movie since the barrel with an unlucky bullet is the star. 

Here’s a few of the movies and pop culture references that lead the revolver to being one of the most popular handguns of all time.  

  • “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” (1966) – Sergio Leone’s iconic Spaghetti Western features Clint Eastwood wielding a Colt Single Action Army revolver as the mysterious “Man with No Name.”
  • “Dirty Harry” (1971) – Clint Eastwood’s portrayal of Inspector Harry Callahan popularized the .44 Magnum revolver, famously uttering the line, “Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?”
  • “Taxi Driver” (1976) – Featured 6 different revolvers including Smith & Wesson Models 10, 29, and 36, Colt’s detective special and the official police model.
  • “The Untouchables” (1987) – Kevin Costner’s character, Eliot Ness, carries a Colt Detective Special revolver while battling crime in Prohibition-era Chicago.
  • “Back to the Future III” (1990) – No western is complete, even in sci-fi without a revolver, which is why the Colt Single Action Army is held by Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd).
  • “Pulp Fiction” (1994) – Quentin Tarantino’s neo-noir masterpiece showcases the character Vincent Vega, played by John Travolta, carrying a Smith & Wesson Model 629 revolver.
  • “Casino” (1995) – You’ll find two Smith & Wesson Model 15 revolvers wielded by the hitmen.
  • “James Bond Series” – Throughout the James Bond franchise, various iterations of the iconic spy have wielded revolvers, including the Walther PPK and Smith & Wesson Model 29.
  • “The Dark Night” (2008) – You’ll see a mix of 7 revolvers in this classic release of the Batman franchise including the Smith & Wesson Model 64 and Colt Anaconda.

Revolvers are an iconic piece of weaponry that inspired engineers to find new ways to help people defend themselves, and created memorable moments in movie and TV history for generations to enjoy.  If you enjoyed this post about the history of the revolver, subscribe to our blog for more content like it by entering your email below.

What AR and 15 Stand For in the AR-15

what the ar and 15 actually stand for in ar-15

The “AR” in AR-15 stands for “ArmaLite Rifle” which is the manufacturer of the firearm and the “15” is the model number.  Many people get these acronyms wrong, and some people assume AR means “automatic rifle” or “assault rifle” and the 15 could mean it fires “15 rounds per second or minute” or that it can hold “15 bullets” total.

Think of it like a car, the “Ford Mustang”, where “Ford” is the manufacturer and “Mustang” is the specific model.  Then you have the year you can add on, or variants like the “Shelby” or features like “EcoBoost®”.  Firearms get the same naming systems with terms like “special” which can mean compact, limited release, inexpensive, or small-caliber.

The AR-15 is the updated model from ArmaLite AR-10 and its piston is what was used for the M16 which is one of the most iconic military rifles. And the benefits of the AR-15 lead to the development of the M4 which is used extensively by the US Military by the Army starting in 1994 and the Marine Corps in September, 2016

The reason AR does not stand for assault rifle is not just because it is the manufacturer’s name, it is also because an assault rifle will be fully automatic and the AR-15 is semi-automatic meaning the person shooting needs to pull the trigger to fire each bullet.  It’s semi automatic because the next bullet is loaded automatically vs. manually like some revolvers.

Now you know the truth behind the meaning of “AR” and “15” in the AR-15. If you found this post helpful, subscribe to our blog for more like it.

The History of the M16 with Fun Facts & Trivia

m16 rifle

The M16, also known as “black rifles” was developed in May 1957 by Eugene Stoner at the Armalite Company as a military grade rifle for the troops in the Vietnam war to replace the heavier and less reliable M14 model.  

The M16 officially met the military standard of shooting a five-inch group at 100 yards which is an inch smaller than the M14.  It also fired the newer 5.56 mm round with an official range of 550 meters for point targets and 800 meters for area targets. 

The M in M16 does not stand for “military” or “machine gun”, it stands for “model” as in model 16 where the 16 is the variation.  M14 is the 14th model.  

Fun fact: There is no M15 because this model was only a slight variation of the M14, and not modified enough to become the M16 we know today.

The M16 wasn’t introduced to the battlefield until May of 1964, almost 7 years after its creation and well into the war.  This is because the M16 and M16A1, encountered reliability issues due to inadequate training and maintenance procedures, as well as the use of a different powder in the ammunition and its ability to support a bayonet, including the newer M9.  

This model has a clip-point blade with saw teeth along the spine and can be used as a multi-purpose knife and wire-cutter when combined with its scabbard. For soldiers on the field, this versatility can come in handy for defense, building a shelter, hunting food, and other necessities.

After the initial introduction, Armalite worked hand-in-hand with the military and advisors to fine tune the model and in June of 1968, the Department of Defense, Defense Information Technical Center declassified the review and report on the new M16. The new M16 was over two pounds lighter than the M14, and had a greater magazine capacity of 10 bullets (20 in the M14 and 20 – 30 in the M16).  You can see why the military was excited to replace the M14 with the new M16.

Fun fact: In Stanley Kubric’s film “Full Metal Jacket” they paid extra close attention to detail and feature both the M14 and M16, however the film used the Colt Model 604 vs. the accurate M16A1 which was the model used by the Marines.  “Apocalypse Now” by Francis Ford Copolla did use the correct model, but both films used replicas vs. a real firearm.

There have been four main iterations of the M16 including the standard and models from A1 to A4.  This latest version is the most widely used as it has a carbine (gas fired) magazine, and four picatinny rails which can be used to mount scopes, bipods, and lasers.

And there has been a strong evolution of this model. Some of the most notable moments include:

  • November 1963, Secretary of Defense McNamara approved the U.S. Army’s order of 85,000 XM16E1s.
  • February 1967, the improved XM16E1 was standardized as the M16A1.
  • The 1980s when the M16A2 featured a more robust design, a heavier barrel for sustained automatic fire, and a switch to a three-round burst firing mode instead of full automatic.
  • Early 2000s when the M16A4 adopted a removable carrying handle with an integrated Picatinny rail for mounting optics and other accessories.

Now that you know the history and background of the M16, lets jump into why they’re helpful, some commonly asked questions, and some more fun facts.

Everything You’d Want to Know About M16 Rifles

As we said this model is lighter than the M14 predecessor, and offers more versatility and accuracy making it the superior firearm for the military.  So here’s how it stacks up, the ammo you can use with it, and some commonly asked questions about ownership.

The M16 Specs Include:

Weight unloaded



38.81 inches

Barrel Length

20 inches


5.56mm NATO

Rate of Fire

700-900 rpm

Effective Range

550m point target

800m area target

Maximum Range


Magazine Capacity

20 – 30 Bullets


7075 Aluminum alloy, buttstock plastic, steel 


Semi-automatic and automatic settings

You’re probably pretty excited if you’re a collector, a veteran, or are just getting into firearms.  Well good news, you can purchase an M16 legally in the USA.  But it isn’t as easy as walking into a store.

How to Buy an M16

yes you can buy an m16 legally in the USA

Yes, you can legally buy an M16 rifle in the USA if you pass department backgrounds checks by the DOJ and follow the process including purchasing from an authorized dealer.  

The Process and Steps to Buy an M16 Rifle:

  1. Apply with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and go through the background screening process.
  2. Once approved you’ll receive a tax stamp and be provided with paperwork that allows you legal ownership.
    1. Due to states rights, some jurisdictions have banned M16 and AR-15 Models regardless of federal tax stamps, so check your local laws before you try to buy.
  3. Now you’ll need to find an authorized and licensed dealer who has a permit to sell machine guns.
  4. Once acquired, you’ll need to register the firearm with the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives).

These guns are rare, so be prepared to pay a lot if you’re lucky enough to find one.  Some go as high as $30,000.  You’re better off choosing an AR-15 with a price tag like this.  But don’t be sad if this price tag is too high, you can still try one out.

Some shooting ranges like the machine gun adventure companies in cities like Las Vegas or in states like Arizona allow you to rent and shoot firearms like these on premise and with a firearms instructor.  It’s the next best thing to being able to own one.  And if you’re lucky enough to buy one, you’re going to want to learn proper cleaning and care.

How to Clean an M16 Rifle

The process is easy, but take care as they’re rare.

  1. Disassemble the gun.
  2. Sprayed with a cleaning solvent.
  3. Scrub the interior and exterior of the gun.
  4. Wipe all surfaces clean.
  5. Oile the rifles moving parts.
  6.  Reassemble the rifle and function check.

Ever since it made its way to the battlefields of Vietnam, the M16 has been an icon of military might and American ingenuity.  And now you know the history of the M16, the process to buy one, and some fun facts for trivia night.

Did you enjoy this firearms history lesson?  Join other like-minded people and subscribe to our blog below for more content just like it as we update the blog.

A SecureIt Tribute to 3 Heroes for Memorial Day, 2024

SecureIT Tactical has long been tied to the military, including hiring veterans like myself, Marketing Director, Josh Kinser.  Our dedication to protection, safety, and supporting those who support us has made us the global leader in military weapon storage. 

josh kinser

We truly appreciate the sacrifice of all heroes including those that did not make it home from conflict. Freedom comes with a high price, and we’re honoring our military’s sacrifices.

This Memorial Day, we’re highlighting three of our country’s bravest who made the ultimate sacrifice. Each have incredible stories, and you’ll find links to learn more at the end of each if you want learn more about what these American heroes did, how they died, and what their families went through.

SecureIt Tactical will be donating Agile 52 Pro safes, one of our top-of-the-line gun safes, to the Gold Star Family members below.

  • Major Troy Gilbert’s sons – Boston (26) and Greyson (24)
  • CW3 Michael Hartwick’s son – Tanner (25)
  • ITCS (SEAL) Dan Healy’s son – Jacob (34)

Major Troy Gilbert

major troy gilbert

Maj. Troy Gilbert’s is the pure definition of Service before Self. Although known for his elite skills flying the F-16, he dedicated his life to his family, helping with church functions, and to serve and protect others.

On Nov. 27, 2006, Major Gilbert was killed in action protecting others. The 12-year Air Force veteran was assigned to the 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing at Balad Air Base, Iraq. He had already completed 21 combat sorties in the F-16 supporting ground forces under enemy fire. 

On one mission, he found and identified anti-Iraqi forces, then passed critical targeting information to coalition forces, who attacked and eliminated the threat. In another time-sensitive mission, Major Gilbert destroyed 10 insurgents concealed in a palm grove with the pinpoint delivery of a laser-guided weapon.

The day he died, Major Gilbert heroically led a flight of two F-16s in an aerial combat mission near Taji, Iraq. On the ground, insurgents were unleashing truck-mounted heavy machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades, small arms fire, and mortars to attack coalition troops. To add to the intensity of the situation, a downed Army helicopter crew was in danger of being overrun. 

Major Gilbert knew that engaging the enemy meant certain anti-aircraft fire, but he went after the insurgents as his last act of service before self. He launched a strafing attack, aiming for targets on the ground using aircraft mounted weapons, against the truck and destroying it with his 20-millimeter Gatling gun. 

Despite enemy fire, Major Gilbert continued to press the insurgents with a second strafing pass at extreme low-level to help save the lives of the helicopter crew and other ground forces. He lost his life on that strafing pass when his aircraft hit the ground. 

Major Gilbert’s final act of moral and physical courage was conducted selflessly, just as he had always lived his life.

Read more about the recovery of Major Gilbert’s body 10 years later here.

CW3 Michael Hartwick

michael hartwick

Army Chief Warrant Officer Michael L. Hartwick, 25, of Orrick, Missouri, was assigned to the 4th Battalion, 4th Aviation Brigade, 4th Infantry Division at Fort Hood, Texas, and served during Operation IRAQI FREEDOM.

On April 1, 2006, CW3 Hartwick and another soldier died when their Apache helicopter was shot down while conducting a combat air patrol in Baghdad, Iraq.

With an all-American boy resume in high school, and having graduated from Orrick in 1986, CW3 Hartwick was a member of the National Honor Society and student council.  Not only did he excel academically, he showed leadership from the start serving as senior class president while playing football and basketball.  

In 1992 he joined the Army and trained as an Apache helicopter pilot. He served in Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania, and was twice deployed to Iraq.  CW3 was awarded a Bronze Star, a Purple Heart, the Air Force Achievement medal, the Army Good Conduct medal, the Air Force Good Conduct medal for his service and sacrifice.

His teacher at Orrick Sandra Pendleton said it best, “When I heard the news, I thought, ‘That’s one of America’s best and brightest.” She went on to add “If you had a son, he was what you would have wanted him to be.” His wife Kerri adds “My husband, CW3 Michael Hartwick, died while fulfilling his life dream of flying the AH-64 Apache helicopter while serving his country. He was a true patriot.” 

To read the story about how CW3 Hartwick’s wife and family were notified of his death and what they went through in the days after click here.

Dan Healy w/ Marcus Luttrell

dan healy

At the young age of 36, Senior Chief Petty Officer (SEAL) Daniel Healy of Exeter, NH died on June 28, 2005. He was one of 16 service members killed when a MH-47 Chinook Helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan.

The force was on a daring night mission to reinforce a four-man SEAL reconnaissance squad that had been ambushed in 10,000 foot mountainous terrain. A total of 11 SEALs died that day in the Global War on Terror. He was assigned to a West Coast based SEAL team.

Click here to read more about Dan Healy and here for the Dan Healy Memorial Run click the links below.

There are countless stories of bravery and heroism, and we look forward to sharing more with you throughout the year to honor those that serve and protect.

What to Look for in a Bedside Gun Safe and Why

how to choose the right bedside gun safe

There’s no shortage of bedside gun safes on the market, and they come in all shapes, sizes, attachments, and with technology like biometrics.  But not all bedside gun safes are created equal, and some may malfunction when you need them most, during a break in.

A thicker gun safe may look more symmetrical as it fills a space, but if the door cannot open all the way it could stop you from reaching your firearm in time.  You may be leaning towards an under the bed option vs one that attaches to your nightstand. 

While that is a great option some people find their bed height or design does not accommodate for that. Others incorporate both, a safe under the bed for a long gun with the addition of a handgun safe at their bedside.  And some gun storage companies like us at SecureIt create innovative designs including our fastbox 47 so you can have access and storage under the bed.

This post covers the most common types of bedside gun safes, what to look for, and what to consider when purchasing one.  In order for us to consider the safe to be a good bedside option it must meet the following criteria:

  • Can fit next to a bed
  • Has easy access for emergency use
  • Does not hinder the users ability to access the firearm
  • Must have a locking mechanism so it is a safe vs. a display case

One thing we decided not to do is mix this with a traditional handgun safe as rifles and other items could be stored in a bedside safe, the size and storage capacity able to be stored bedside changes based on the size of the room.  

This guide is based on practical experience as one of the countries leading manufacturers of gun safes, as well as feedback from customers, and our on-staff gun experts.  Each section is double fact checked and we put each scenario to the test.

Biometric and Fingerprint Bedside Gun Safes

These look and sound cool!  Who doesn’t love technology and being able to safeguard your guns from being accessed by kids and burglars if you’re not in the room?  But with technology comes a price, reliability.  When you’re stressed, anxious, panicked, or caught off guard your hands and fingers sweat.  It is a medical term called hyperhidrosis, you can read more here at the Mayo Clinic website.

The wetness on them can prevent biometric readers from unlocking and your firearms will not be there to protect you.  In the event of a threat situation, when seconds matter most, your bedside gun safe needs to be reliable. This is an argument many are making for app based locking mechanisms.

If your phone or tablet aren’t in reach, or it is on a nightstand and gets knocked to the floor, or your hands are sweaty, you delay your ability to unlock the safe and access your firearm.  And biometric gun safes are notorious for needing regular cleaning, so if you procrastinate, this option is not for you.


  • Keeps your guns out of kids and intruders hands
  • You don’t have to worry about missing keys or pin codes
  • Technology is cool


  • Sweaty and wet fingers cause malfunctions
  • If the power supply runs out you cannot access your firearms
  • They tend to be more expensive because technology is an upsell
  • In constant need of cleaning

Under the Bed

If you have your heart set on storing your firearms under your bed, and protection is the goal, make sure the safe can open towards you and that you do not have too many items below your bed.  This way you can access it when you need it and quickly.

If you live in a city apartment where space is limited, make sure the safe fits under or next to your bed by measuring the area first and then looking at the manufacturer specs.  You can go with a fancy design, biometrics, etc… as protection is secondary.  This is where lines like our Fast Box safes come in handy.


  • Does not get in the way of your home decor
  • Harder for guests and children to find
  • Lets you hide your favorite pieces away from the main safe in case of burglary


  • The door can get blocked by other items preventing access during a breakin if you are disorganized with additional clutter.
  • Depending on your physical ability, it may be harder to climb under your bed vs. being next to your bed making it less accessible

Side of the Desk

Sometimes the only space you have is the side of your desk.  Whether it’s hidden as part of the desk or bolted to the side, this style of storage unit is appealing because it is unexpected by an intruder and blends in with your bedroom.  


  • You maintain the element of surprise
  • Extra space under your bed for storage
  • It can be level with your arm reach as you roll over for quick access


  • Limited space for storage
  • You have to modify your desk which can be expensive or make it non-repairable
  • Once you move, the safe may no longer fit the new room layout

Hidden on Top of a Desk or Dresser

There’s nothing cooler than seeing a lamp or sculpture that is actually your firearm storage unit “hidden in plain sight”.  You have the element of surprise with style or functionality for your bedroom.  And if it is on top of your desk and someone would break in, you can reach your piece from your bed or quickly from your seated position while working or studying.


  • The element of surprise
  • Easy access whether you’re working or sleeping
  • It doubles as a light or design element for multi-purpose use


  • They normally only hold one firearm
  • In plain sight safes are not always fast access.
  • Kids may learn about it and show it off to their friends putting people at risk
  • Easy to move if the intruder or person finds out what it truly is

Free Standing

Sometimes a classic free standing gun safe or stackable gun safe is the perfect bedside option.  If you have the space next to your bed you’ll be able to store multiple guns as well as have a place to rest a glass of water or put a lamp for extra light in your room.  


  • The most storage available for bedside gun safes
  • Can double as a tabletop for books, lamps, or other items you keep close while sleeping
  • Easy to hide with a table cloth or design element


  • Takes up additional space
  • It’s an extra piece of furniture you’ll need to be accustomed too, and avoid in the middle of the night
  • It is not hidden so intruders will know exactly where your guns are stored

Bedside gun safes are your line of defense during a nighttime home invasion.  Knowing which type fits your space and provides you with the right security is an additional line of defense to protect yourself and your loved ones.  If you found this guide helpful, subscribe to our blog for more posts just like it.

Pistol, AR-15, Shotgun – The best for home defense is?

Pistol, AR-15, Shotgun - The best for home defense is?

Considering a pistol, AR – 15, or a shotgun for your primary home defense weapon? Great choices! And each can be effective depending on the type of home you have, how much space you have, the room you need protection in, and what is or is not allowed by law. As states begin banning specific weaponry, your options may become limited, but there is always a proper backup.

Space is one of the most important aspects when deciding which of these firearms is right for your home defense needs. If you live in an apartment and only have space for a hidden gun safe for example, chances are it can store a pistol so you won’t have access to an AR or shotgun. And if there is space in a closet by the front door for a traditional gun safe you can access, your AR – 15 is able to be there when you need it most.

This guide takes the following into consideration when recommending how to choose between these three firearms for home defense:

  • Room size
  • Rural, urban, suburban dwelling
  • Type of gun safe that fits in the space
  • Length of room and or distance
  • Ease of refilling ammo
  • Amount of rounds per loading

Comparing the AR-15, a standard pistol, and a shotgun.

AR-15 Rifle Standard Pistol Standard Shotgun
Penetration Medium (because fragmentation) Strong Strong
Magazine capacity 30 rounds 15 rounds 5 Shells
Length 36" 4.5" 22" - 28"
Accuracy Medium-High (pointability) Medium High
Turning corners Difficult Simple Difficult
Points of contact 4 2 4
Easy to Control if Hand-to-Hand Fighting No Yes No

AR-15s dominate when it comes to home defense because the capacity is higher than a pistol or shotgun, it is lightweight, and much like a pistol, the AR-15 has comfortable grips. And just like a pistol, the controls can be maneuvered by a single hand. Much like a shotgun, AR-15’s are not as effective if you live in a home with narrow hallways, corners, or you’re in a room like a bedroom with furniture that can block your ability to aim and angle. That’s where pistols come in.

For next to your bed, in an office, or spaces without much distance between yourself and the intruder, pistols are better for home defense than shotguns or AR-15s. If the intruder gets close to you the pistol can be used to bludgeon them during hand-to-hand combat while not hindering your mobility like a larger gun. Not to mention you can control and hold the pistol with one hand compared to your long guns which could wind up in control of the attacker.

Don’t count a shotgun out for home defense when comparing them to AR-15s and pistols. Yes, they only hold five shells, but they’re easy to reload and the accuracy and penetration give you control of the situation when there is enough distance between you and the intruder. If you live in rural spaces, and a trail cam detects a disturbance, shotguns can be quite helpful as you can control the situation from a safe distance. And in a larger room with things you do not want destroyed, the accuracy and aim compared to an AR-15 or pistol will keep you and your home better put together.

There’s pros and cons to each firearm, so a good rule of thumb is for crowded rooms with furniture, tight spaces, and where you could wind up in a fist fight with an intruder, go pistol. If there is space to angle and you have wide hallways, AR – 15s are your best bet for home defense. If you need accuracy, want full penetration, or need distance, go with a standard shotgun.

Did you find this guide to home defense helpful? Join the Pack for more just like it.

How to Remove Rust From Guns

Rust is an unfortunate problem that many gun owners face. The reason for rust can range anywhere where accidental water exposure to not storing your gun properly. Rust is an issue because it can lead to corrosion which can make the firearm unsafe to use. But good news, it is easy to get rid of and this guide will teach you how to remove rust from your guns. And this works for all types of firearms including handguns, long guns, and even antique firearms.

To get started you will need a few items.

  • Gun oil
  • Bronze brushes
  • Bore brushes
  • Eye protection
  • Protective gloves
  • Clean cloth


The Steps to Remove Rust From a Gun

  1. Disassemble your firearm and verify that the gun is unloaded with all ammunition stored in another room.
    Pro-tip: It is a great idea to have a small magnetic bowl or tray to store the smaller parts of the gun. A lost spring can be frustrating and leave your firearm nonfunctional.
  2. Visually inspect all the surfaces to find all spots of rust. Do not let any go because they are small or don’t seem too bad. It must all be removed.
  3. Apply a light coat of oil to the rusted areas. 
  4. Using the bronze brush, scrub the area and the rust will come off the surface.
    Pro-tip: If the gun is deeply rusted, you may need a chemical rust remover.
  5. Once the rust is scrubbed free, wipe the entire surface off with a clean rag.


Once the rust is removed, it is a good idea to do a complete inspection of the firearm by checking for excessive wear or other issues that may have gone undetected. While you have the gun disassembled, it is also the perfect opportunity to deep clean the gun and oil all the surfaces as a way to prevent future rust development.

Rust forming on guns can be a real problem both aesthetically and functionally. Although it is inevitable, you can delay rusting by performing regular maintenance and oiling of the metal surfaces. You can also try dry bags and dehumidifiers to slow down how often it happens.

Choosing the right gun storage solution like a high-quality gun safe and having a cleaning routine is critical to preserving our day-to-day guns as well as our antique collections. And that’s it! Now you are ready to keep your guns rust-free.

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