The Differences Between Gas and Inertia Powered Long Guns

Both gas and inertia powered long guns (shotguns and rifles) work for home defense, hunting, and sports like skeet shooting.  Gas powered long guns provide less recoil and faster loading making them better for self defense when seconds matter, and for older and young shooters because they are easier on your body.  

Don’t count inertia powered firearms out as they’re easier to maintain and are more reliable in harsh environments.  This is especially important if you live in areas with dust, sand, etc…  Because gas loading firearms tend to get blocked by this type of debris more often than inertia powered long guns, inertia is more reliable for protection when hunting large predators and rural home defense.  

At the same time, if you need to get multiple shots off because you’re a new hunter or you can’t handle the recoil as much as you used to, the gas is going to lessen the kick and allow for a faster cartridge replacement giving you an advantage.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed deciding between gas and inertia powered long guns, we’re here to help with this easy guide.  You’ll find a quick comparison table and how to choose between them based on your needs.  Please note the numbers on the table are on a scale of 1 to 10 with being poor and ten being the best.




Ease of maintenance






Home defense 



Predator defense



Predator hunting



Shooters 50+



Shooters under 15



Hunters 15 – 49



Fast game hunting (waterfowl)



Slow game and distance hunting



Skeet shooting



Distance targets




For younger sport shooters and hunters, go with gas powered long guns over inertia because the handler will be able to control the firearm better.  As their skills develop and bodies adjust to the recoil, they can progress to an inertia powered firearm.

For healthy enthusiasts in their late teens, 20s, and up to 40s, inertia is the way to go.  These age groups can handle the kick better and may be more open to hunting in harsh environments as this age range tends to be more adventurous.

Once your 50s kick in, it’s all about pleasure.  The recoil will be felt more making gas powered a more enjoyable experience as you’ll give your shoulder a needed break after decades of shooting.


There are three types of defense to consider when choosing between gas and inertia powered rifles and shotguns.  

  • Home defense
  • Predator non-hunting
  • Predator hunting

For home defense you will want to choose gas powered rifles and shotguns over inertia because the ammunition loads faster and the firearm is easier to control with the lower recoil.  If you’re hunting deer, waterfowl, or other animals and there are predators, both inertia and gas powered can be effective.

Because you’re hunting and know the fauna in the area, you’ll likely already have a firearm you are familiar with for hunting and can control.  So always take what you are best with regardless of inertia or gas powered when predators are around.  When you’re going into areas with large predators and big game, it comes down to the environment you’ll be in.

If the trip is going to be clear skies and clean environments, choose gas powered long guns so you can get more shots off which can matter when predators are ready to attack.  When the weather is mixed or you’re in harsh environments like desert sand, inertia has less chance to clog keeping your firearm working for when you need it.  This applies to safaris and long trips where you may not have cleaning and maintenance on the top of your mind.


There is no difference in accuracy between inertia and gas powered rifles and shotguns, so both work perfect for distance target practice and marksmanship.  When it comes to skeet shooting, gas powered guns have an advantage over inertia firearms because of the lighter recoil and faster loading.

If you plan on entering a sport competitively and always put off cleaning your long gun, inertia will likely be a better choice because these firearms require less maintenance than gas powered even though they load slower and have more kick.

Now that you’re ready to choose between gas and inertia powered long guns, don’t forget to check out our long gun safes for proper storage.

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